Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Storms have arrived

Last night our first cold front passed through the bottom of Florida, bringing showers and thunderstorms.
Storm approaches the Keys

In its wake a high pressure system was left over Florida which has increased our winds for the next few days.

The work we do on the water is dependent on the weather. When winds go above 15knots, the chop on the water is to a height where we could miss sighting dolphin fins on the water. Because of this, dolphin researchers do not survey in conditions with winds higher than 15 knots. These conditions are not dangerous, and sometimes we can still do other tasks on the water when winds are at that point. For example sampling for fish.

This season we are not fish sampling, so we stayed on land today. Having a day off the water means time for other work including entering data we collect when on the water.

Ingrid and Jacqueline check data sheets and enter data we have collected on the Key West dolphins

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